Rev. George W. Maize V is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. His Father and Mother raised he and his younger brother in Los Angeles California, and Wilmington North Carolina, as they served as Pastor and First family in ministry. He completed his high school diploma in the North Carolina school system. He has earned the following credentials by the grace of God: A B.S. in Mathematics (Montclair State), an MBA (Montclair State), an M.A. in Theological Studies (Liberty University), and is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity Degree at Luther Seminary.
He acknowledged the call to ministry at 17 years old and by the power of the Holy Spirit has served God through the church as teacher, preacher, administrator, theologian, musician, singer, producer, and audio-visual engineer. Rev. Maize is a follower of Jesus Christ and daily studies his teachings to guide him on the path that leads to eternal life. He is unapologetically sold out for God and is proving himself to be one of the young prophetic voices God has chosen for such a time as this.