"...For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples." ~Isaiah 56:7~
About Us
The Westside Missionary Baptist Church was organized on Wednesday, February 28, 1945, in the home of Mrs. Ethel West-Grimmitt with 267 members. The first Worship Service was held on the March 4, 1945 at the St. James Baptist Church, of which the late Rev. E. Moore was Pastor. Later plans were made to purchase a piece of property located on W. Main Street, at a cash price of $3, 500. On Sunday, November 18, 1945 the brilliant procession comprising hundreds of members and friends marched down W. Main Street to the church singing, "I AM BOUND FOR CANAAN."
What We Believe
We believe in God. We believe there is One true and living God. He is the creator of all. He is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Our Mission
To magnify Gods name by bringing people to Jesus and membership in His family, Develop them to Christ like maturity, and Equip them for their individual ministry, and life mission in the world.
Come and Join Us
Westside Missionary Baptist Church is about creating a warm, welcoming and worshipful environment. It is our goal to engage in holistic ministry. A ministry that accepts people where they are, but won’t leave them where they are. We are a Spirit filled church that take seriously our social obligations (Matthew 22:35-39; Matthew 25). We believe that our love for God is made evident by the love we share with people (1 John 4:20).